vignette_bio After a childhood and adolescence steeped in the sea air of Saint-Malo, it was during his time studying Law at Rennes that Thierry discovered his taste for oral expression.

It was alongside the very classical Jean-Laurent Cochet and the much more tumultuous Cathleen Leslie from the legendary Actors' Studio, that he honed his acting tools in the 1980s. The emotional and sensitive approach of "The Method" brought him an extremely beneficial breath of fresh air, an approach he has continued to explore and develop ever since. He then embarked on a series of jobs (night watchman, steward on sleeping cars, night train postal worker, surveys for Sofres...) to be able to pay for his years of training and slowly advance towards professionalization.

In 1987, he played the role of Megyeri, the fierce enemy of the bloody countess "Erzsebet Bathory" in the play of the same name. A semi-amateur production by Serge Adam, directed by Danièle Fouache, which allowed him to take his first "official" steps on stage and portray a role of authority... already ! This foreshadowed many roles to come...

In 1996, he had a decisive encounter with director Agnès Desfosses (Compagnie ACTA), with whom he would collaborate as an actor for 25 years through productions such as "Under the Table," "Memories of the Future," "Like the Blowing Wind," "Stand Up!"... as well as through numerous artistic, cultural, and civic actions within the community of Villiers-le-Bel, the company's hometown. These 25 years of companionship led him, in 2022, to co-direct with Agnès the documentary "No One Richer Than Me !", a socially engaged documentary that signifies his involvement in society. Proudly, this documentary was screened at the National Assembly the following year.

Alongside this fruitful collaboration with Agnès Desfosses, he has performed in around twenty productions, both in France and abroad, encompassing classical authors (Molière, Shakespeare, Chekhov, Brecht...) as well as contemporary ones (Philippe Dorin, Yves Nilly, Jean-Gabriel Nordmann, Léa Fazer, Elsa Solal, Carole Thibaut...), collaborating with directors Laurent Pelly, François Ha Van, Gabor Tompa, Céline Brunelle, Liliane Nataf, Laurent Bazin... all of whom share the specificity of not being "conventional" in their approach, a "detail" crucial in his collaborative choices, even if it means being divisive. This is their strength, and it's what drives Thierry to be part of their ventures ! What's the point of being an artist if it's just about serving lukewarm ideas? Stirring things up, questioning, shaking things up, fostering growth - this is what drives him on stage.

A less obvious path to tread on screen. Yet...
You can find him portraying varying degrees of authority, sensitivity, and shades of darkness in films like "Hippocrates" (Thomas Lilti) or "Bye Bye Morons" (Albert Dupontel), and in series like "Highlander", "Oussekine" (A. Chevrollier), "Don't Do This, Don't Do That" (J. Navarro), "Profiling" (J. Despaux), and even "I Promise You" (M. Vallet), etc... Who said "Hippocrates", "Bye Bye Morons", or "Oussekine" served lukewarm ideas...?

Keen to take more responsibility for his projects, he also began directing in the early 2000s, short films that he either wrote ("We Are So Young", "For Your Own Good", "The Liberated"), or not ("An Ordinary Woman"). What links all these films ? They depict the journeys of characters breaking away from their lives, environments, relationships... His upcoming project, "Âme qui vive", won't stray from this theme. This time, it's about a man in need of breaking away and healing from his traumatic past.
Thierry had minor roles in his early short films, but in this latest one, he'll play the lead.
At the suggestion of Agnès Desfosses, he co-directed the documentary "No One Richer Than Me !", as mentioned earlier.
He also directs music videos for bands like "Kamas et les Corbeaux," "Slow," and for tango singer Juan Ramos, allowing him to blend his two passions: cinema and music.

His roles as an actor and director are a constant quest, and he continues to learn throughout his career from educators such as Jean-Pierre Dougnac, Jack Garfein, Philippe Lanton, Nicky Flacks, Régis Mardon, etc...
He works on dance and movement with Dominique Hervieu, Wim Vandeykebus, and Hervé Diasnas. Voice work is also essential, as he explores his instrument with the Roy Hart Theatre, Oscar Sisto, Juan Ramos, and Martine Viard.

Interdisciplinarity, curiosity, and challenge are the keywords of Thierry's journey. Being where he's least expected is also a decisive factor in the pages he hopes to continue writing with the enthusiasm that defines him.

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